December 3 2012
big city consumers
dear new york consumers
when you think of power what comes to mind? perhaps a body builder, somebody who is strong. Or maybe the government, a group of people who make all the big decisions. Or even the military, trained to protect us and fight our enemies. while all of these answers are true, I have another perception of what power is. My idea of power is creating a catch phrase or image, that with one glance you will want to buy or believe in whatever it is promoting. I think of the power of advertisement, the ability to put a product in the deepest part of your consensus, so far to where you don't even know you want what they're selling, but you still want it, or believe in it. The average consumer,which just about everybody in the world, needs to understand what exactly it is that these advertisement agencies can do, simply knowing can help anyone create a better defense against advertisement.
Since there has been anything to sell, ad agencies and ad men have been around trying to tell us what we need and how much of it we need. they have even been telling us how to act and think. Advertisements are one of the biggest culprits to prejudice and stereotypes in our current time. The employes of advertisement agencies are incredibly smart, so smart that i think we really need to give them the credit they deserve, at least that way we will be able to know what it is we are dealing with. every employe knows all there is to know about psychology sociology, and advertising. basically we can all assume that these people went to school for years, just to know exactly what you want to buy, see, and what will get your attention. If anything, I think we should pretend as if these people know our brains better than we do, which exactly how they want it. however we can still do something about it, by being aware of they're actions, we can not allow derivative ads towards women affect our behaviors. As well as stereotypical ads towards men.
natural these advertisements target what it is that they think will get results, they target comedy or action or sentiment or shock value. however, even when they are they are targeting these topics, there is usually an underline stereotype or agenda. Making girls seem helpless without a man, or how a man can get all the women he wants by mistreating them or being a "bad boy". however,one it comes to the big guns, these agencies rely on sex to sell whatever it is they need.
According to a study done by the CRTC (Criterion-Referenced Competency Test) in 1985, 50% of the major
female characters displayed in ads were primarily set in the home. If i truly asked you if youve seen any comercials about dish soap or making dinner, or a swiffer duster, or a vacume, that had a male as the lead roll. i could probobly count on my two hands how many there are.
As for selling sex, these advertisement agencies are promoting the idea that "sexy" or "beautiful"means tall and skinny or fit and flawless. along with selling this idea, advertisement agencies are also selling products that will help you become"beautiful" or "sexy". A study done by Jacque Lambiase a professor from Texas Christian University in TX, states that "73%, almost three-quarters, of sexual ads in magazines contained a sex-related brand benefit." meaning that these ads are either saying that if you buy this product, then it will either make you more sexually attractive, have sex better/longer, or just feel sexier all together. For example in recent axe commercials, it shows a young man using said product and instantaneously every woman around him is more attracted to him! skeptical anyone? Of course you are! this ad is a load of shit! Although if you arent completly paying attention, it may not seem so harmful.
I'll admit that just like everybody, i was a victim of this type of brainwashing advertisement. growing up seeing pictures of "beautiful women" and ripped men. Those images are what I strives for, that if i worked out enough id look like that, and id be with women like that, But its not going to happen. Now not to say that you shouldn't work out, or try to stay healthy, but that exactly what your goal should be! not the images of spray painted bodies of people that party and drink every night and never get fat! Not only do these ads lower the self esteem of both men and women, but it DE-senistizes everyone from what is truly normal! if this continues, women will never be satisfied because they don't look like the fake models on TV, and men will never be satisfied because they can never be with a woman that looks like the fake models on TV. however, its not all bad. there are movements to help the situation at hand. For example the dove campaign for "real beauty". In 2004 Dove wanted to broaden the meaning of the term beauty, and start a global conversation and study of the topic and its importance. Among the study’s findings was the statistic that only 2% of women around the world would describe themselves as beautiful. since the results Dove has has employed various communications vehicles to challenge beauty stereotypes.
In the end, i am just a concerned human being who hopes that the common consumer can better defend themselves from stereotypes, generalizations, and false implications. I believe that the best defense is Understanding who is behind these ads, and what they're true intentions are. Hopefully in doing that, we can build a better world with more self confidence, self esteem and overall satisfaction.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Proposal 2
Who do you think of when you think of power?the president? the government? Maybe the Military? all very valid answers, however i have a different idea of power. When i think of power,i think of advertisement agencies. Agencies like 72andsunny, and Wieden+Kennedy, to me, this is power. companies like these have the power and the intelligence to make an entire population want something, and have it be on our minds and in our conversations, and in our subconscious. With little restrictions that cant be side stepped, and a great knowledge of the consumer mind, there is little that advertisment agencies cant make us want or think.
These people who work in the field of advertisement, frankly, are geniuses. I feel like we need to be truthful if we really want to know what it is that we are dealing with. The men and women that come up with, and write our commercials, posters and internet adds, know exactly how to get into your head. every one of them has studied in psychology, and advertising. pretty much learning how to assure you that they know what you want, better than you do. These people know how to string together a sentence that can make you feel like shit without their product, or make you think that you need something you don't. they can distract you from all any negative aspects, and they can trick you into feeling better about what your seeing. If there was a class in lying and deception, these employes would get straight A's.
I want to write this letter, for the common consumer, but mostly young consumers. these agencies and companies are targeting children as soon as they are born, and they will not stop until they are dead. I think that the current generation needs to understand what it is that these companies can do, hopefully if people are a little more educated, then they can better defend themselves.
These people who work in the field of advertisement, frankly, are geniuses. I feel like we need to be truthful if we really want to know what it is that we are dealing with. The men and women that come up with, and write our commercials, posters and internet adds, know exactly how to get into your head. every one of them has studied in psychology, and advertising. pretty much learning how to assure you that they know what you want, better than you do. These people know how to string together a sentence that can make you feel like shit without their product, or make you think that you need something you don't. they can distract you from all any negative aspects, and they can trick you into feeling better about what your seeing. If there was a class in lying and deception, these employes would get straight A's.
I want to write this letter, for the common consumer, but mostly young consumers. these agencies and companies are targeting children as soon as they are born, and they will not stop until they are dead. I think that the current generation needs to understand what it is that these companies can do, hopefully if people are a little more educated, then they can better defend themselves.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
RR: "Two Ways A Women Can Get Hurt"
IN the reading "Two Ways A Women Can Get Hurt" by Jeane Killbourne, Killbourne sheds light onto the troubling subject of the effects on advertising. Not just any kind of advertising though, Killbourne focused her text on the effects of serialized and physical advertising, and the negative effects it has on women. She also touches on the negative effects that advertising has on men. She explains with text and examples on how certain advertisements are either insinuating sexuality, submissiveness in women, dominance in men, an overall violence. Killbourne explains how these advertisments are negetivly effecting our minds, bodies, self essteams, and our society.
She goes on to explain how advertising can be linked to our overall negative way of thinking. for example, the belief among men that being a bad boy will get you women. advertisements for DRAKKAR NOIR cologne (420) give the impression that being the bad boy is cool. "don't be such a good boy" with two beautiful women hanging onto a mans shoulders. this is the kind of ad that killbourne is claiming to be hazardous to our society. she also points out how women are made to look either completely submissive, or completely dominant. On the submissive side, it teaches women to act how they think they should, and it teaches men to be over powering and even potential violent. while on the other side, killbourne explains how men are also serialized in advertisements, no better than women. In these situations it is likely to have a female role playing the dominant character, someone to take the lead, or subjectivity the man. Witch ever way these advertisments are promoting men to value sexual intimacy insted of emotional intimacy.
I find the section of the text giving examples of of physical violence to be very disturbing. images of men in the moments before shooting a woman, to promote skate boards and a magazine? Killbourne makes the assumsion that these images are really just supposed to shock us just enough to pay attention to what they are advertising, but i just find it sick.
I feel like what Killbourne is saying is completely true, however it is a little biased. there are advertisements out there that aren't completely sexual, or even some ads that promote self esteem though how you look physically, and being comfortable in your own skin. however i do understand that these ads are rare, and in the grand scheme of things I understand where she is coming from. I'm definitely guilty of succumbing to the images and ideas that are protected at me through mass media. i would like to say that I'm better now, but its so easy to see a poster of a "bad boy" who gets all the girls. Or the model with the amazing spray painted fake body, and want to be just like that. The advertisement businessmen will always be around, and they will always have the upper hand on what we think and how we feel and what we do. It's their job, and they're damn good at it. Sadly i don't see this going away.
I feel like what Killbourne is saying is completely true, however it is a little biased. there are advertisements out there that aren't completely sexual, or even some ads that promote self esteem though how you look physically, and being comfortable in your own skin. however i do understand that these ads are rare, and in the grand scheme of things I understand where she is coming from. I'm definitely guilty of succumbing to the images and ideas that are protected at me through mass media. i would like to say that I'm better now, but its so easy to see a poster of a "bad boy" who gets all the girls. Or the model with the amazing spray painted fake body, and want to be just like that. The advertisement businessmen will always be around, and they will always have the upper hand on what we think and how we feel and what we do. It's their job, and they're damn good at it. Sadly i don't see this going away.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
op ed
Jacob Abea
Op Ed.
November, we as American voters have a choice to re lift the American
education system, or let it fall apart. With prop 30 on the ballad,
(supported by governor Brown) we can choose to help our state's youth.
Proposition 30 is geared towards helping out states k-12 public schools
and community colleges.Prop 30 states that there will be a 1% increase
in personal income tax for everyone making $250,000 a year or more. This
personal tax increase will be like this for 7 years, along with a sales
tax increase of ¼ cent for 4 years. ¼ meaning that for every 4 dollars
you spend, and extra 1 cent will be taken out due to taxes. The revenues
that will be achieved from these actions, will be given directly to the
schools of California. 89% of the revenue will go to the K-12 system,
and 11% will go to the community colleges. whatever funds that aren't
used for the educational system will be used for public safety as well.
This includes places like the fire department, security, ambulances etc.
California's educational system has been in an awful state for a long
time. In a study done by the CBP (California Budget Project)
California's educational system was ranked 46 out of 50! The study also
states that in the K-12 system, California spends roughly $8,908 per
student. Whereas the rest of the state on averages spends $11,764 per
student. California also has an average of 20.5 students per teacher
where the rest of the state has an average of 13.5 students per teacher.
this is a sorry state we find ourselves in, and the education of our
youth is more important than some people realize. without an educated
youth, who will grow up to tun the nation when we are old? who will take
on the hard jobs that require brilliant minds? The demand For college
graduates employed is higher than ever now. If prop 30 passes, a simple 1 cent for every 4 dollars you spend, and the 1% increase in personal income tax for the wealthy, will bring in roughly $6 Billion of revenue to our school system! People who are against this proposition are afraid that this money will just end up being spent on pay roles and salaries, which is a valid thing to be afraid of i believe. However, in the prop itself it states that the money will not just be given to the state. The money will be given to the local school boards, and the school boards will be deciding how the money is spent, in meetings that are open to the public. This works as a check and balance of the system, this way the $6Billion going to the schools will not be abused. I would also like to add that if this prop isn't passed, our K-12 and CC will take a major hit, losing roughly 5 billion dollars in cuts! due to our sorry state, California has already started to spend as if the prop has already passed. so if it doesn't pass, then we would have to dig ourselves out of the whole we putting yourself in.
I Personally think that this prop is a must pass kind of vote, no questions asked. Our students need this. I would know, and not only because I am a 20 year old college student, but also because i am a teacher. for the Going on 3 years now i have been a certified teacher working for a non profit company doing after school care for the Santa Cruz elementary schools. I work with children from K-5th grade, and i love everyone of these kids with my entire heart! however, it kills me to hear about how there are too many students in their classes, and their teachers can't help everyone. Or that there isn't enough materials for everyone. Or That they are hungry because they food that they are getting served is gross and unappealing. These kids need help, There is no way that they can get ahead in this world with all of these obstacles holding them back. Not to mention its just as hard for me to gain the knowledge to help them. I am and early Childhood Education major, and due to all of the budget cuts the only classes that are available are from 6 to 9:30 pm! these children are my pride and joy, and all i want to do is help them as best as i can. If that means giving them a measly extra penny for every 4 dollars i spend, then i would do it in a heartbeat. Hell! i would give them more!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
prop 30
being clinched into voting for a particular bill isn't my favorite thing to do. Even if it is a bill that i like. I don't like not having the actual feeling of choice. This is essentially happening with proposition 30. Proposition 30 is a prop that will increase the income tax for anyone making 25000 or more for the next 7 years. As well as raise the sales tax 1/4 cent for the general populous of California for the next four years. The revenue that will be obtained from this tax increase will bring billions of dollars. witch sounds all good and dandy! I would love to vote yes for this prop completely on my own free will, but this is where there is a bitter taste with this. the state of California has already set its budget around this bill passing, essential spending money we don't have. If for whatever reason, this prop does not pass, then the state will have to cut 6 billion dollars from the schools around California! Being a teacher for elementary after school care and a college student, this would affect me and my kids in a incredibly negative way! so regardless of the fact that we don't really have a choice when it comes to this prop (unless you don't care about the possible cuts if it doesn't pass) I still find it necessary for California. I understand that a lot of people are against the raise to those who make 25000 or more a year, and the sales tax raise to the rest, but i personally don't have a problem with it. according to the 2011 national assessment of educational progress, California ranked 46 out of the 50 states! the current state of our education system is awful, and it will affect everyone in the long run. even if you don't have children or your not going to school. in the future these children will be working, and running the state, if they are mot educated, then who are we trusting to be in charge? this is more of a pessimistic way to look at it, but its true. the need for college graduates in the work place is growing exponentially, and we need students to fill those spots. if proposition 30 passes 89% of the revenue will got to K - 12 and 11% will go to community colleges. This money will help buy much needed equipment, supplies, and food. Some of the kids i work with get the free hot lunch from their school, and when they bring to me i cringe with disgust at the fact that this is what they have to eat! this money will be able to help everyone, and especially the less fortunate. The 11% that goes to the community college will also help with financial aid, witch has gotten harder and harder to get in the past 10 years.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
annotated biblyography
In this article, the author describes in simple terms, what proposition 13 consists of. He explains how with proposition 13 in place, an individuals home can not have a raised property tax by the price of which the neighbors have sold their home. Also, that every property in the state is covered and protected. This article gives a great explanation of what this proposition does, while simultaneously asking devils advocate like questions. questions that the everage tax payer is proboly asking, which is why i think this article was particularly helpful.
After searching, and continually finding biased and useless articles, this article came fourth as both clearly stated and factual. This article had a great layout of information, starting off with exactly what the proposition consists of, and how it will effect us. even better, this is done completely without bias, i feel like this was completely factual. Also, it brought interesting attention to some other topics that i wasn't aware of. for example, what would happen if both prop 30 and prop 38 were to be voted on and approved. since they are both propositions that intend to affect sales and PIT rates. If it wasn't for this article i would have been left in the dark to such information, and i would recommend this article to anyone looking for more information proposition 30
In this article, the author describes in simple terms, what proposition 13 consists of. He explains how with proposition 13 in place, an individuals home can not have a raised property tax by the price of which the neighbors have sold their home. Also, that every property in the state is covered and protected. This article gives a great explanation of what this proposition does, while simultaneously asking devils advocate like questions. questions that the everage tax payer is proboly asking, which is why i think this article was particularly helpful.
After searching, and continually finding biased and useless articles, this article came fourth as both clearly stated and factual. This article had a great layout of information, starting off with exactly what the proposition consists of, and how it will effect us. even better, this is done completely without bias, i feel like this was completely factual. Also, it brought interesting attention to some other topics that i wasn't aware of. for example, what would happen if both prop 30 and prop 38 were to be voted on and approved. since they are both propositions that intend to affect sales and PIT rates. If it wasn't for this article i would have been left in the dark to such information, and i would recommend this article to anyone looking for more information proposition 30
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Week one
I think that "Para Taresa" is written in both English and Spanish, so that the speaker can express how important it is for the reader to understand that the characters in the story speaks both. It is very significant to the point of the story, that these girls are Latin or Hispanic, growing up in 1950s America. the whole point for the main character and Taresa fight, is that taresa is upset with the speaker for "over achieving" and "showing her up". however, the speaker does not see it as over achieving, the speaker saw it as proving everybody wrong. theses girls lived in a time of great racism and judgment. A time where a young Hispanic girl was looked down upon, because she was "inferior" or less than a any other white girl. our speaker knew that this is what everyone thought, and she decided to fight against the system. Her reason for excelling in class is to show everyone that she is capable of more than is the stereotype. the fact that the poem is written in English and Spanish, shows the speakers pride of her heritage.
I think also think that the narrator had a better understanding of the situation because she had matured. now that she was older, when looking back at the incident she can understand how Taresa was just rebelling in a different way than her. back then it seemed like there was bitterness towards Taresa. however, almost 25 years later, our speaker is able to better understand Taresa and what she was going through.
I think also think that the narrator had a better understanding of the situation because she had matured. now that she was older, when looking back at the incident she can understand how Taresa was just rebelling in a different way than her. back then it seemed like there was bitterness towards Taresa. however, almost 25 years later, our speaker is able to better understand Taresa and what she was going through.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
I am.
My name is Jacob, and i am a 20 year old junior here at Cabrillo college. I was born in San Jose, but Ive lived in Santa Cruz for the majority of my life. if i could say one thing about myself is that i'm probably as easy going as it gets. maybe too easy going sometimes ( because it has got me into a bit of trouble) but I'm working on it. Growing up i lived with my mom, my step dad, and my two younger siblings who mean the world to me. When i was younger i had always wanted an older brother, so it was really important to me to be the best older brother that i could be. later i realized that working with kids was one if the few things that i was good at. so for the past two and a half years ive been working for a non profit organization providing after school care in Santa Cruz county. I could honestly say i think i have the best job ever!! I get paid to play games with kids all day, and be an older brother to 80 plus kids! I love it.
I think i have several gifts to bring to this classroom. having been a wrestler for seven years, team captain of a team for two, and the league champion my senior year. I'm confident in saying that i am a good leader, and have a good work ethic. I also have a certain philosophy of making school fun by being enthusiastic, this may be little hard for me in a morning class, but ill try not to disappoint. Also i have no problem speaking in public, or reading aloud. In fact i rather enjoy it.
I think i have several gifts to bring to this classroom. having been a wrestler for seven years, team captain of a team for two, and the league champion my senior year. I'm confident in saying that i am a good leader, and have a good work ethic. I also have a certain philosophy of making school fun by being enthusiastic, this may be little hard for me in a morning class, but ill try not to disappoint. Also i have no problem speaking in public, or reading aloud. In fact i rather enjoy it.
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