Who do you think of when you think of power?the president? the government? Maybe the Military? all very valid answers, however i have a different idea of power. When i think of power,i think of advertisement agencies. Agencies like 72andsunny, and Wieden+Kennedy, to me, this is power. companies like these have the power and the intelligence to make an entire population want something, and have it be on our minds and in our conversations, and in our subconscious. With little restrictions that cant be side stepped, and a great knowledge of the consumer mind, there is little that advertisment agencies cant make us want or think.
These people who work in the field of advertisement, frankly, are geniuses. I feel like we need to be truthful if we really want to know what it is that we are dealing with. The men and women that come up with, and write our commercials, posters and internet adds, know exactly how to get into your head. every one of them has studied in psychology, and advertising. pretty much learning how to assure you that they know what you want, better than you do. These people know how to string together a sentence that can make you feel like shit without their product, or make you think that you need something you don't. they can distract you from all any negative aspects, and they can trick you into feeling better about what your seeing. If there was a class in lying and deception, these employes would get straight A's.
I want to write this letter, for the common consumer, but mostly young consumers. these agencies and companies are targeting children as soon as they are born, and they will not stop until they are dead. I think that the current generation needs to understand what it is that these companies can do, hopefully if people are a little more educated, then they can better defend themselves.
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